Partner Happiness Centre


The Partner Happiness Centre supports Global Village’s efforts to be a happiness factory for its various stakeholders and is designed to be a one stop-shop for all Global Village partners to get all their business requirements completed seamlessly. The Partner Happiness Centre will facilitate and speed up business transactions and support visiting exhibitors with legal permits and related paperwork. 


 Our Services:

·         Visas for the exhibitors and staff

·         Employment Visa

·         Festival Visa

·         Visit Visa

·         Temporary Work Permit

·         Global Village Access Card

·         Storage facilities

·         Merchandise Product

·         Tea Cups

·         Tissue Box

·         Shopping Bags

·         Insurance Company

·         VAT Agency

·         POS System (Point of Sales)

·         Payment Machine

·         Electrical Contractor

·         Food activity Permit from Dubai Municipality (FoodWatch)

·         Cosmetic Permit  from Dubai Municipality.

·         Custom Clearance Letter

·         Transportation Letter

·         Permit to Work (PTW) for construction & Maintenance

·         Gas Connections

·         Goods Entry & Exit Permits

·         Shop Tenancy Contracts

Our Team will be available to support you anytime need. You can Contact Partner Happens Center or visit us in Global Village Office


Phone: 800 45626
